10 effective marketing levers for your online store\’s dropshipping strategy (2021 update)

When creating a dropshipping site, an effective marketing strategy will allow you to gain more traffic and generate more sales!

But what are the essential acquisition levers to promote your store that will allow you to become popular on the Internet?

Through this article we will discover the different digital levers to develop a good web marketing strategy and generate many dropshipping internet sales.

Let’s dive right in.

1.SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Inseparable from any digital marketing, SEO or natural referencing is one of the essential levers to develop an effective dropshipping strategy.

It improves your positioning in Google search results by attracting qualified traffic, naturally and spontaneously. By creating optimized content, you will display your pages on very specific queries (keywords), linked to your dropshipping site.

Of course, a good position in the search engine SERPs is not going to happen overnight. you will have to work and wait a few months before really appreciating its performance.

This is why it is always advisable to pair SEO with a paid and social SEO strategy, which we will see in the next sections.

The blog

On the internet, content is king! Implementing a content marketing strategy can become highly effective for your business.

Closely linked to natural referencing, the blog is a real opportunity for the success of your dropshipping activity.

By providing quality content, you have a huge chance of attracting new visitors and, above all, quality traffic.

Indeed, the advantages of a professional blog are multiple:

  • it contributes to the optimization of your natural referencing. Stores with a blog get 97% more links to their site and get 4 times more referenced pages. It is also found that e-commerce sites with a blog generate 15 times more traffic than those without,
  • it allows you to better inform prospects about your store rather than advertisements,
  • According to observations, 61% of consumers have made purchases after reading a blog post.

Online advertising

Advertising is without a doubt the fastest way to promote your dropshipping store.

It is also the most widely used strategy for many dropshippers entering non-stock online sales.

To do this, there are several paying levers:

  • Sponsored links or Search with Google Ads,
  • The display of banners or the Display with Google Ads,
  • Facebook ads,
  • Snapchat ads,
  • Instagram ads,
  • etc.

Social networks

Social networks are today a major axis of digital communication for companies.

Being among the busiest places on the web, they are a very effective lever to promote your online store, promote it and attract more visitors.

Using social media in your strategy will allow you to get your target market talked about your products and services quickly and build trust.

Of course, your strategy must be effective. Depending on your niche and your products, you must choose the social network (s) where you want to be present.

Each social network has its audience. The community on Snapchat will not be the same as the one on Linkedin, for example.


To attract traffic from other websites in your topic, affiliate is an effective technique for your dropshipping strategy.

This referral selling system involves offering other people the opportunity to display your products by offering them a commission each time they successfully close a sale.

Most of the affiliates are website builders, but some do affiliate through social media, emailing, videos, etc.


Another method that you can incorporate into your web marketing strategy is partnership.

The partnership can be an exchange of services between you and an actor in your sector (influencers, bloggers…). This practice allows you to benefit from the visibility and reputation of your partners.

To do this, you can gift products from your catalog so that the blogger can test and tell their community. Sometimes he\’ll also link to your site in one of his blog posts! A really good opportunity to improve your SEO.

Market places

An effective dropshipping strategy also involves your presence on the marketplaces.

These sites allow you to both improve your visibility, generate traffic and boost your online sales.

Marketplaces are very effective in promoting your site to customers who do not necessarily know you: Amazon, eBay, etc.


According to observations, 66% of consumers have already made an online purchase as a result of email marketing.

This is what makes emailing a still very effective and topical marketing technique for developing your dropshipping store.

Contrary to what many people may think, emailing is still one of the essential web marketing levers: communicating about your news, sharing your promotions, etc.

Public relations

Public relations are a good digital communication technique to integrate into your web marketing strategy.

It is a good solution to present the novelties and innovations of your catalog or your site.

You can therefore get closer to the various contacts of the digital press and in particular web journalists.

Of course, the choice of media depends mainly on your theme. If this is a novelty in beauty, the media to contact will not be the same as if you are selling high tech accessories.


For an effective dropshipping strategy, you need to systematically monitor and evaluate your performance.

Google Analytics is an essential tool. It allows you to analyze your traffic and measure the effectiveness of the various techniques you have used through statistics and detailed figures: number of visits, most viewed pages, conversion rate, etc.

All of this information will help you improve navigation and the customer experience in order to generate maximum sales.

At the same time, Analytics allows you to identify the strengths and areas for improvement of your strategy in order to best meet the expectations of Internet users.

In summary, whether you have a dropshipping or pure e-commerce store, it is important to have an effective marketing strategy in place.

On the one hand, you have to work on the SEO of your site in order to generate quality traffic and on the other, you have to quickly develop your notoriety with digital advertising and emailing campaigns.

I really hope you enjoyed this article. And now I\’d like to hear from you. In your opinion, which marketing strategy is the most effective for dropshipping’s online stores.

let me know by leaving a quick comment below.

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